Juristic assistance is usually provided in the first instance by a jurist (law degree holder). It is the step prior to hiring a lawyer.
Juristic assistance provides advice and information on the legal steps to be taken and on the laws and case law applicable to the case in question.
However, the legal expert will not be able to represent the client, as he cannot take charge of a file by mandate contract. Only lawyers have this right.
The advantages of juristic assistance are cost and ease. It is simpler and cheaper to use the services of a legal adviser than those of a lawyer.
How do I find the right juristic aid?
Use online legal platforms such as Lawrence, which will provide you with initial advice before referring your case to a legal expert.
It is important to detail your case, as well as the documents, so that the advice can be as appropriate as possible.
Be clear about what you are looking for: for example, is it a general or specific question? Do you simply want advice or support for your case?
These elements will enable us to provide you with the best possible help.
Above all: ask questions if something about you is unclear! You must have confidence in your advisor.
Submit your file on www.law-rence.ch so that our advisors can assist you in your legal steps!