
Julian Assange charged in US, court document accidentally reveals

It helps insert a single image anywhere on a post or page with the option to provide a caption and/or link. You can align your image to the left, right, or center with a caption, link and alt text New Journey to the Marsin the Gutenberg editor, you can drag and drop an image from your computer onto the editingscreen.After all, if a customer has to go through a million of steps to…
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Training the Next Generation of Doctors and Nurse

Strategies for email campaigns vary, but the email newsletter lies at the heart of each. It is a sort of a decider:whether your readerswill be back or ditch you and your company. But make sure that every email newsletter looks pleasing and isunobtrusive and…

Trump to Raise North Korea Sanctions With Chinese Leader, Pence Says

The true power of motion can be seen in mobile experiences. A mobile app without motion is just a sequence of independent screens. But when designers introduce motion, something magical happens – a design comes alive – an app becomes an interactive story that can engageusers.The feedback provided by a system is not very informative. It’s not clear how a system handles your…
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9 Top Teachers Share Their Go-To Yoga Mantras

A website today receives a large chunk of its traffic from evergreen browsers — most of which have good support for ES6+, new JavaScript standards, new web platform APIs and CSS attributes. However, legacy browsers still need to be supported for the near future — their…