Do you wish to work in Switzerland for an indefinite period of time as a European citizen? You don’t know how to do so? Don’t worry, Lawrence will tell you how to proceed!
Please note: Specific measures are in force for Croatian nationals. If this is the case for you, please inquire with the competent authority about the modalities.
As a citizen of the European Union and/or the…
You are an EU or EFTA worker and wish to work in Switzerland? Does your contract have a fixed term? This article explains what you need to do.
Please note: Specific measures are in force for Croatian nationals. If this is the case for you, please ask the competent authority…
You would like to work in Switzerland, but don’t know which work permit is right for you? Overall, when seeking a work permit, the following two aspects should be considered:
The nationality
The type of activity carried out
The application for a work permit is made…
Do you hold a Swiss residence permit and would like your family, who is currently residing abroad, to join you? You will need to complete a family reunification procedure.
Lawrence explains to you how to do it!
As a Swiss resident, you can apply for family reunification, so that your relatives can also become Swiss residents, or in other words, receive a B permit.
Family members who have…
Permits and naturalization: When do I need to apply for a residence permit? What is the procedure?
6 June 2022
You are a foreign national and wish to settle in Switzerland? You don’t know how to do it? Lawrence is here to assist you and explain everything!
Two criteria are to be considered: type of stay and nationality.
For citizens of the European Union and the…
You are a foreign national and intend to spend the summer in Switzerland, either for pleasure or for professional reasons. You are rightly wondering whether you need a residence permit! Good news, this article tells you everything!
The first criteria is that of…
Do you want to become Swiss? In principle, you will have to apply for so-called “ordinary” naturalization. We explain everything you need to know!
There are two types of conditions to be met in relation to residence and integration.
Ordinary naturalization is governed by the canton of residence. Applications are made to the Naturalization Sector of the Cantonal Population…
You are married to a Swiss national and want to become Swiss yourself? Lawrence will explain the procedure to you.
Marriage to a Swiss national does not allow the spouse to automatically acquire Swiss citizenship. However, you are eligible for the facilitated…
You are a Swiss national and are expecting a happy event? Your wife is of foreign nationality and you are wondering if your child will be Swiss? We answer that in this article!
According to the law, Swiss nationality can be acquired at birth. If a married couple has a…
Comment déposer une demande d'asile ?
6 June 2022
Les personnes concernées par une telle demande
Les personnes qui sont menacées dans leur pays d’origine ou dans leur dernière résidence en raison de leur race, de leur religion, de leur nationalité, de leur appartenance à un groupe social ou de leurs opinions politiques peuvent obtenir le statut de réfugiés et déposer une demande.
Attention toutefois, les…