Tenancy LawWorks

Tenancy law: I need to renovate an apartment I rent. Do I have to compensate the tenants?

The landlord has various duties towards the tenant. In particular, he must ensure a maximum absence of nuisances. Renovations can violate this, special measures will have to be applied.

Before compensation is paid, we advise you first of all to take preventive measures. 

The landlord must do everything possible to minimize the nuisances associated with renovations (noise, dust, cuts, scaffolding, etc.). Informing tenants is also an excellent means of prevention. Send them a letter containing information related to the work, as well as a schedule, so that they can anticipate nuisances. 

The law requires that tenants be compensated for high nuisances caused by a renovation, in the form of a rent reduction for example. Otherwise, they could take you to court, which is entirely within their rights! The tenants can even contest the rent reduction if they consider it insufficient. 

This is why your best weapon is foresight and anticipation. The more honest and conciliatory you are with your tenants from the start of the work, the more understanding they will be and the less likely they will turn against you! 

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