Commercial LawCompany creation / Startups

Corporate law: I need an administrator, who do I choose?

You need an administrator for your company, but don’t know who to choose? This article will give you the necessary information to guide you! What is an administrator? The administrator of a company is its “conductor”. It is he who is in charge of the governance, organization and monitoring of the structure.  The role of administrator is crucial for the proper functioning of a…
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Commercial LawCompany creation / Startups

How to draft company statutes ?

The drafting of an enterprise’s statues is an essential step in its creation. All the company’s activity and organization are explained in this document. But how should we proceed? Lawrence explains it to you in this article!  The law defines the statutes of a company: it is a legal document, drawn up under private seal or authenticated by a notary, by which the functioning and…
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