ChildrenFamily Law

Family law: Juvenile guardianship, what does that mean?

What is a child placed under “guardianship”? Lawrence explains it to you in this article.

Let’s first define guardianship: 

Guardianship is a state-imposed or voluntary measure of protection for an individual of full age or a minor in need of help. It is governed by the Civil Code.
It is a measure of last resort if the family and social services can no longer provide sufficient assistance. Curatorship is abolished as soon as there is proof that it is no longer required. 

Guardianship for minors :

The protection authority, in Switzerland the justice of the peace, can request the placement of a child under guardianship if his or her development is threatened, and the parents do not or cannot remedy this. Guardianship is necessary if the parents’ duties of care, education and training are not respected. 

The family will be assigned a member of staff from the Youth Welfare Office, the Office of Professional Guardianship or a private guardian.

The guardian will assist the family in their difficulties and help them to find a solution. If this objective is not achieved, more severe measures will have to be implemented. 


There are four types of guardianship for minors:

  1. Educational assistance guardianship

The curator advises and assists the parents in the care of the child.


  1. Representative guardianship

In order to defend the interests of the child in court cases. A lawyer is appointed in the vast majority of cases. 


  1. 3. The guardianship for the supervision of personal relations


  1. The guardianship of the administration of the child’s property

In order to administer the minor’s endangered property.


A lawyer will act as curator if the child is involved in legal proceedings. If there is a dispute, the services of a lawyer will be required so that he or she can best defend the child’s property. 

Lawrence assists minors during legal proceedings and answers your questions!

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